Sewage Enforcement

Fawn Township Sewage Enforcement Officer

Stephen M. McKeon

Office Phone: 717-382-4915


Sewage permits are required for all modifications to existing septic systems including, but not limited to, revised tank accessways, tank replacements, and construction of new drainfields.

Sewage permit applications can be obtained from the Fawn Township office.

Applications for well and seepage pit/RDIS permits are available below.

Application for Well Construction Permit (PDF)

  • Well permits are required for all wells in Fawn Township including geothermal wells.

Seepage Pit Permit Application (PDF)

  • Stormwater seepage pit permits are required for all new dwellings, roofed accessory buildings, and structures (including additions, garages, and accessory buildings) in excess of 800 square feet floor area.

PDF Resource Maps

Fawn Township Topographic Map (PDF)

Fawn Township Wetlands Map (PDF)

Fawn Township Soils Map (PDF)

Penn State Extension Stormwater Education Tools: