All new driveways and the paving or re-grading of an existing driveway requires a permit issued by Fawn Township.
The permit cost is $50.00 and includes at least two site inspections plus a meeting with your contractor prior to paving.
Applications can be downloaded before being brought to the municipal building or one may be obtained in person.
Driveway Permit Application (PDF)
Driveway Ordinance (PDF) – Adopted February 14, 2022
All permits must be accompanied by payment at the time of submission via cash or check made payable to “Fawn Township”.
Permits for driveways along State roadways are handled by PennDOT, 1-800-349-7623.
For a Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP), please contact the Fawn Township office, 717-382-4834. This type of permit is needed for work being done within the Township Right-of-Way.